Cities, Design & Sustainability
The New Series
This Series seeks to present some new concepts concerning current and future roles of cities in supporting sustainable communities. It will discuss the latest issues in planning, designing and building a better future, achieving sustainability through urban and architecture design. CITIES, DESIGN&SUSTAINABILITY. THE NEW SERIES attempts to understand better some factors and principles that condition a range of choices about future urban life. It will address new ways of managing cities and responding to current issues that are key to urban change. The making of real sustainable cities has to be considered as a cultural issue concerning the reconciliation between community living, urban environment and nature. Evolving themes on urban, architectural and climate change matters will be further explored in order to share insights and build a more integrative urban environment.
The Series Editor: Dimitra Babalis
La collana si propone di mettere in luce i concetti che caratterizzano il ruolo delle città – di oggi e del futuro – nel nuovo scenario della costruzione di comunità sostenibili, prendendo in esame vari problemi di pianificazione, progettazione urbana e architettonica per un futuro sostenibile nelle città. Scopo di CITIES, DESIGN & SUSTAINABILITY. THE NEW SERIES è dare spazio ad approfondimenti su determinati fattori e principi di progettazione sostenibile, per suggerire poi possibili soluzioni mirate ad un futuro migliore. Saranno quindi affrontate nuove tematiche urbane, di architettura e di cambiamenti climatici, per individuare metodi innovativi di gestione e trasformazione sostenibile delle nostre città, al fine di condividere nuove idee per un ambiente urbano integrato.
Links utili: INTEGRO_UAD International Group on Urban and Architecture Design

Digital Technology Meeting Cultural Landscape
Eleni Maistrou
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Urban Heritage and Climate Change
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Nature city

Pursuing on research items
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The Rehabilitation and Enhancement of Small Municipalities
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Public Open Space in Transition for health and well-being
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Urban Heritage in Times of Uncertainty
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Heritage open space in transformation. Changing Attitudes
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Ghost industries

Urban waterfronts and cultural heritage
Tim G. Townshend (edited by)

Waterfront urban space
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Approaching the integrative city
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