Buildings as energy service
Versione digitale
Formato Pdf
Pagine 32
Illustrazioni colore
English text
Prezzo € 4,99
ISBN 978-88-94869-97-2
Maurizio Sibilla
Buildings as energy service
A tool kit for re-thinking about a new generation of buildings as components of a future energy infrastructure
Numerous scholars have tackled this subject, and there’s no easy fix. But it is possible to make headway on the wicked, complex challenges that are holding us back, and this kind of research project is at the forefront of today’s thinking. This project developed a Tool Kit, called BasES, for knowledge integration to envisage buildings as components of future distributed renewable and interactive energy systems (DRIs). The project was designed with the understanding that this is a high risk and high gain revolutionising plan for reconfiguring energy infrastructure and the construction industry by delivering a new generation of buildings. The specific objective concerns the use of the Tool Kit in the organisation of a Technology Support Net (TSN) for Buildings-as-Energy-Service (i.e. BasES). This Tool Kit is a ground-breaking cognitive apparatus for involving academic and non-academic stakeholders in knowledge transfer and integration processes. Concepts and connections can be visualised, manipulated, organised, focused, contextualised and discussed (i.e. MLAs) using cognitive maps in a cutting-edge computer environment dedicated to DRIs.
Fuori collana
Communities’ Sustainable Experiences
(edited by)
Marcello Piacentini
Progettare il territorio con le vulnerabilità
Silvia Serreli
Frammenti narrativi
Abitare urbano
Ludovica Gregori
Disegno Nuova Edizione
Andrea Granchi
Laboratorio Campania
Il corpo grafico di una architettura decorata
Oltre la firmitas utilitas e venustas
Andrea Granchi
Imparare a studiare architettura
Emma Labruna
Raffaella Marzocchi
Antologia dei fondamenti architettonici
Acer Ferrara 100
Romeo Farinella
Michele Nani
(a cura di)