From climate to building
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Formato Pdf
Pagine 174
English text
Illustrazioni colore
Prezzo € 11,99
ISBN 978-88-94869-76-7
Laura Pedata
From climate to building
Sustainable Design SCALES
SCALE is a crucial aspect of architecture, especially when considering a building and evaluating its potential impact on the environment. Greenwashing spans from the scale of the single consumerist good to industrial products, to services, affecting also architectural artefacts, their technological components (glazing, window frames, structural elements, etc.) the combination of building elements (walls, roofs, foundations, etc.), and the interaction of entire building complexes, neighbourhoods, and cities. The book is divided into three chapters. The first chapter gives a critical overview of the term Sustainability and its use in the design field, the second one contains the core concepts behind the publication and reflect the three sustainable design scales mentioned in the book title: CLIMATE, SITE/SETTLEMENT, and BUILDING. The last chapter offers a selection of sustainable design case studies around the world representative of four building-specific climate classification types taking into account sun exposure, wind analysis, building materials and Mechanical Systems, functions, morphology and typology, and overall quality of space.
Progettazione Tecnologica Ambientale
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Emergent housing
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